graelfire cosmos

Graëlfire, a Fantasy Thriller, is Now Available

I’m delighted to announce that Graëlfire is OUT NOW in e-book and paperback formats. Published by Troubador in the UK, it’s available from major online retailers by clicking on the links below. Graëlfire is a fantasy thriller for adults. Inspired by the Arthurian Grail quest, the story is set in present-day Switzerland and thirteenth-century Occitania…Read More

Cathars the Italian Connection

Cathars: The Italian Connection

“Heresy signifies no more than private opinion.” — Thomas Hobbes In my novel, Graëlfire, the medieval subplot revolves around the persecution of the gnostic, Christian Cathar sect in Languedoc and a flight to sanctuary among their brethren in Northern Italy. I knew this storyline might raise questions in some readers’ minds: Cathars in Italy? I…Read More

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